Goodbye Ethan, and thank you

7th May, 2019

Ethan Pollock has given over a year's service to The Barn as a Volunteer Coordinator.

Here he reflects on his time here.

Thanks to everyone who has made this such an amazing year!

It was a  privilege to accompany you all, however briefly, on your journeys.

It's been a co-ordinating boot-camp and I feel I've developed a lot in that role, but more importantly I've grown in my own self-understanding and ability to connect with others.

I'm grateful to have been invited to teach at The Barn in the future, so this feels like a new beginning at The Barn rather than an end.

As for the future? Fellow former co-ordinator Lucy Chan and I are now taking over the platform Mindful Living Retreats as we begin offering retreats and days of mindfulness around the UK so please do follow us on our website/Facebook page and stay in touch. We would love to practice with you again soon. 

Hope you are well!



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