Be a Retreat Coordinator

Could you live in community at Sharpham for 12 months practising and supporting retreats?

" The Barn has given me so much - a space to really meet myself in body, mind and heart. So much healing and growth plus polishing some rough edges. As long as I live I will be grateful for what The Barn has offered me" - former Barn coordinator

A Volunteer Retreat Coordinator is a one-year voluntary position at either The Barn Retreat or The Coach House. The role can offer a unique and special opportunity to live here on the beautiful Sharpham Estate whilst giving the gift of service to those who attend our residential courses and retreats. 

There are three postings each year, with start dates at the beginning of January, May and September.

You will live and work alongside three other coordinators and a manager in the day-to-day running of the centre and receive accommodation, full board, expenses to a maximum of £200 per month and dana from retreatants.

Sharpham Trust Coach House Retreat

Being a volunteer coordinator is for you, If you...

  • have a regular mindfulness meditation practice
  • have self-awareness and emotional intelligence, particularly in terms of recognising your own emotions and how these emotions may affect others
  • have an interest in people, including skills in active listening and empathy, in addition to a sense of curiosity and open-mindedness
  • have a willingness to learn and ability to self-reflect
  • respect diversity and working with diverse populations
  • want to work as part of a team, and show equanimity towards all others
  • are commited to being of service and supporting others
  • have a driving licence (Barn Retreat only)

Sharpham offers you the opportunity to...

  • take a year out of your life and live in a beautiful setting
  • give service by coordinating the running of our weekly retreats
  • live with others in a like-minded community
  • attend mindfulness and dharma talks and discussions with visiting teachers
  • develop your facilitation and group skills

If you would like more information:

Note: it is important that you have spent a week on retreat at The Barn Retreat or The Coach House before applying for this position.

Volunteer coordinators at The Barn meditation retreat centre at The Sharpham Trust

Frank has extended the year's service he's given at The Coach House, and he says in this video why he loves the natural setting of Sharpham and why he likes being stretched by the multi-aspect role of Volunteer Retreat Coordinator.

Martyna Raczka spent a year giving service to The Coach House, and talks about the positive effect on her and her practice.

Charlie Ivermee gave a year of service as a Volunteer Coordinator at The Barn retreat centre at The Sharpham Trust.

He supported participants who come to The Barn's Buddhist-inspired retreats, living together, working the land and meditating daily.

Martha Wright gave a year of service as a Volunteer Coordinator at The Barn retreat centre at The Sharpham Trust.

Not only did she join a warm community of fellow coordinators, she developed her own ability to hold space for retreatants - and she grew as a person too.

Will Evans gave a year of service as a Volunteer Coordinator at The Barn retreat centre at The Sharpham Trust.

Here he talks about the fulfilment of putting Dharma practice into practice when supporting retreatants at The Barn.