Dharma Pathway

For the first time, we're running four connected retreats over two years at The Barn retreat centre.

We're inviting people to sign up to The Dharma Pathway featuring different leaders and the themes based on the qualities of metta (loving-kindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (joy) and upekkha (equanimity).

By attending all four, you'll have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of The Dharma on retreats richer in Buddhism, increase a sense of community and learning together, live alongside a Dharma teacher, get to know others steeped in Buddhism and learn how to take Buddhism 'off the cushion' to apply it in your life (which is how we at The Barn like to live and teach). Explore the Dharma Pathway below.

Self-Compassion Retreats at Sharpham Trust
Compassion (karuna) 6 night Dharma Pathway retreat

6 nights - Annually
For those with retreat experience
Periods of silence
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Little figure in a pool for the Mudita joy meditation retreat at the Sharpham Trust
Joy (mudita) 6 night Dharma Pathway retreat

6 nights - Annually
For those with retreat experience
Periods of silence
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People meditating whilst sat on bench in reed beds at The Sharpham Trust
Equanimity (upekkha) 6 night Dharma Pathway retreat

6 nights - Annually
For those with retreat experience
Periods of silence
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Image of orange heart-shaped Forest Pansy leaf at The Sharpham Trust to illustrate our Metta Loving Kindness Dharma Pathway meditation retreats
Loving-Kindness (metta) 6 night Dharma Pathway retreat

6 nights - Annually
For those with retreat experience
Periods of silence
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Explore more of our retreats, courses & events here: