A mindful start - the benefits of beginning afresh each time we practice

4th January, 2025
by Katie Tokus | 1 Min Read
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Retreat leader and Coach House retreat venue manager Barry Thurgood explains in this blog and the accompanying video that we can choose to make a Mindful Start each time we sit in meditation.


Making a mindful start each time we sit

The New Year is often a point where we want a fresh start and to set an intention.

What if the intention was just that - for a fresh start?

Start by just noticing what is here.

Approaching mindfulness with the understanding that each and every time we come into awareness is afresh.

Each sit is entirely new, each step we take is the first time we have ever taken that step.

This moment is anew. This moment has never come before and will never come again.

And you come to it anew, dropping all that went before.

Each moment offers the possibility to come home into being present.

Each moment we can start again.