Ballad Of The Undrying Towel
I faced the undrying towel this week
A quest of which I cannot speak
When first this task came to me
I didn’t know I’d need a strategy
Monday as I began the day
It seemed an easy beast to slay
Put in the liquid, start the machine
A few hours later it's all clean
Tuesday was a day of joy
I skipped the stairs as if a boy
I felt along the stands and rails
Towel's still wet!! Drying slower than snails
Oh towel, why aren't you like a duvet
Washed on Monday, dry on Tuesday
So I trudged upstairs with sombre steps
Not knowing what would happen next
Wednesday I bore little hope
In silence I began to grope
But what is this? The towels were dry
I barely managed not to cry
And as I loaded up the basket
Smile so big I couldn’t mask it
One towel offered me their wisdom
So I put the basket down and listened
Sometimes it's better to wait
Than be the master of your fate
Remember you are just a man
There is little you can truly plan
And that night as I listened to the owls
I thought about the drying towels
And though there’s lesson in this rhyme
I’ll hope for composting next time
A poem written by Barn retreatant Pete Lake.