A recipe from our cook, Antony
This recipe is super simple and easily adaptable to other fruit, although some will benefit from cooking first.
- 300ml double cream
- 100ml Greek yoghurt
- 5 ripe kiwi fruit
- 4 tbs icing sugar
- Elderflower cordial (best if home-made. See below)
Elderflower cordial
I make a sugar syrup with 1 litre of water to 1 kilogram of sugar heated in a saucepan until the sugar is dissolved.
After being left to cool I then add the zest and juice of two lemons and infuse about 20 heads of freshly picked elderflower (after checking VERY carefully for insects).
After about 24 hours it is ready to be strained through a sieve.
It will keep well in the fridge and can be used in a cordial, stirred through cream, spooned over fresh strawberries, mixed in with a summer salad dressing…
Or, you can buy a quality one from the shop.
Peel and finely chop the kiwis and add a couple of tablespoons of the elderflower cordial.
Whip the cream either by hand or using an electric whisk, being careful not to overdo it. You are looking for floppy peaks.
Gently fold in the yoghurt, then three quarters of the fruit and dish in to glasses with the remaining kiwi on top.
This recipe is easily adapted. I added some ginger sponge as a base which worked really well with the kiwis.
Strawberries and raspberries are both great substitutes for kiwis.
Other fruits like rhubarb and gooseberries are wonderful when gently stewed with some sugar first and left to cool before being mixed in.
Try with a granola top, or serve with shortbread to add a bit of substance.